Tuesday, October 23, 2007



“Who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light” I Timothy 6:16.

The word immortality in the Greek is “Athanasia” meaning deathlessness or undeath in a literal sense. But in the New Testament “athanasia” expresses more than deathlessness, it suggests the quality of life enjoyed.

In our opening text we see that God is described as one who possesses this kind of life, immortal life, and eternal life. I was in a beauty salon once with a friend when I overheard two women whining about how they were ageing, this really hit me with the reality of man’s frailty. This experience made me realize the corruptible nature of man, man is not immortal he is very mortal and he is subject to decay, corruption, degradation and death.

However, there is good news God has done something about Man’s condition. He sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world to give the whole of Mankind life as God has it, through his death and resurrection. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17

At the tomb of Lazarus Jesus made an authoritative remark “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26. Profound words indeed, Jesus has made immortality available to all who would receive the deliverance he purchased through his blood.
In times past, immortality was the exclusive preserve of God but He has chosen to bestow this quality of life to humanity through Christ “Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” 2 Timothy 1:10.
Praise God that believers in Jesus Christ have immortality, even if they die physically they will live again at the resurrection but this time they will live the way God lives, free from death, pain, sickness, hunger and fatigue. They will be immortal as God.
Little wonder Paul the apostle stated in 2 Corinthians 4:16 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day”. Friends, we have immortality in our spirits as believers here in this world, but we eagerly await the resurrection, when this immortal life we carry in our spirits would be transferred to our physical bodies. This is the hope of our calling, the grand expectation of our hearts, the day when mortality would be swallowed up by the immortal life within.

Thank God for this everlasting consolation, immortality which was the exclusive preserve of the Father is now ours through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah immortality is here, rejoice!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Let's all get drunk!!!


“Don’t get drunk with wine…instead let the Holy Spirit fill and control you” Eph 5:18.

Have u ever seen a man under the influence of alcohol? He didn’t get drunk by just talking about it or watching liquor advertisements. He got drunk by drinking! And the more he drinks the more the alcohol controls him. We say he is “under the influence”. Another power has taken over him, transforms him into someone he was not before. One minute he is quiet the next he is loud and boisterous.
He may even think he is another Elvis Presley and start to sing. When asked to walk a straight line he can’t even if he wanted to. You know why? Something else is running the show. And what alcohol does to the body negatively, the Holy Spirit does to us as new creations in Christ positively. When you are under his control, he makes you walk in ways you thought hitherto was impossible, makes you talk in a manner you never expected. That’s why, rather than spending our time and energy trying to change, we need to concentrate on being and staying influenced by God’s Spirit.

A sober man doesn’t have to try and stagger; all he has to do is get drunk; the alcohol will take care of the staggering. Little wonder Paul drew the analogy between someone who’s drunk and someone under the sway of the Holy Spirit. But a word of caution: those under the influence of the Spirit are not rude or offensive, garrulous or selfish; neither are they proud ‘showboating’ in an attempt to impress others. The reason why a lot of believers don’t experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit is because they are not drinking enough of him. His power is available to us today, so what are you waiting for? Let’s all get DRUNK!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

“As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby” 1 Pet 2:2

Over the years I have heard various preachers speak extensively along the lines of spiritual growth as well as ingredients that bring about spiritual growth. It is true that gathering with other believers for the sake of fellowship is imperative, but the truth is that organized religion does not provide the right forum for true godly relationships to be developed. Many of our teachings are legalistic; our sermons are nothing but musings of men to say the list. There is this great expectation placed on the flock to perform, which makes them believe that God would be impressed by their strict adherence of commandments of men; which indeed have a form of wisdom but in essence lack any power to restrain fleshly indulgence (see Col 2:18-20).

All these legalistic teachings now push the flock into a performance mode and a life marred with hypocrisy thereby robbing them of the joy and peace that Christianity offers. Brother Bill wants to impress Brother Jack; Sister Kate wants Sister Lisa to think of her as a “super Christian”. This setting does not provide an environment conducive for true expressions of faith, instead of us speaking the truth in love; we are forced to mollycoddle our “dry bones in the closet”.

However, Saints of God there is good news God desires that his children walk in the liberty that Christ has made available (see Galatians 5:1-2), and to enjoy Him and the fellowship of other believers in an atmosphere of peace, love and truth. Speaking the truth in love that we may grow into Him who is the Head (see Eph 4:15-25).

The reality of the matter is that true spiritual growth cannot be attained in the present structure of the church; the reason is because the necessary ingredients for true spiritual growth are missing. As our opening text suggests growth can be attained by the believer through the infallible word of God in an environment of love and truth. Take nature for example, plants don’t just grow by rays from the sun, there must be a proportionate amount of water, certain elements must be present in the soil for the plant to grow and develop well enough to provide food for its consumers.
In the same vein spiritual growth can only be attained through a combination of factors; the truth of God’s word and also an environment void of hypocrisy, legalism, and pretence.
Friends, true spiritual growth can only be attained in an environment where the truth of God’s word is preached with sincerity, genuine love and grace.

So if you desire to grow the godly way crave for the preaching and teaching of God’s word in a loving and gracious environment where the truth is spoken in love, that we may grow into him who is the Head.